Monday, December 3, 2012

The Mysterious Handsome Man at Church

The Parish Handbell Choir had just finished a beautiful version of "Advent Fantasy" when the man slipped into the end of the pew directly in front of us yesterday at church.  Having not seen this man before, I assumed his wife must have been singing in the choir.

One, meaning man or woman, could not escape noticing this impeccably dressed handsome man. He was tall and perfectly groomed.  Being a people watcher (actually studying people), the wheels began to turn in my brain. Later I learned there was also some wheel turning in Clint's brain regarding this stranger. It didn't take me long before I realized I knew this man's name.

During the times of the congregation singing hymns, if this man sung his voice was not audible to us or was totally nonexistent. Even though he may have never sung during the service, Clint and I both noticed his gently swaying back and forth to the music. He just happened to be in front of me during the procession line for communion and we were right beside of each other kneeling when we received communion. He was one of the first around us to rise and head back to the pew after communion. 

Within a few minutes the man left the service before the closing hymn and benediction.  He left as swiftly as he had entered.

I came away from this that the man did not sing lest someone around him recognize his world famous voice.  This Grammy Award winning singer simply wanted to peacefully attend a church service, pray and commune with God without all the worldly adoration that has come with his fame.



Clint said...

Yes---a pretty special moment. And one which makes me appreciate the fact that he got out of his hotel room early on a Sunday morning, got dressed, and attended church services, actively avoiding contact with human admirers, intent only on worshipping our Lord.

Cindy Ellison said...

I love your comment, Clint, that he was intent only on worshipping our Lord. To me all the signs pointed to it ... I should say Him.

Carol Blackburn said...

That was very considerate of him too I think to act in a way so as not to disrupt the service. Hope you are having a wonderful week.

Shelly said...

Wow- how wonderful to know there are celebs like that! OK- I've got to ask- who was it?

Emma said...

I love the way you told this story Cindy! I have an idea of who it could be but I think it's nice that someone as famous as that can worship in peace. what a nice surprise for you too! I hope you are doing well!

Emma x

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Was this for real??? My first thought was Alan Jackson...
How exciting!! Hugs.