Friday, June 26, 2015

Being Positive

In my previous blogpost, I had mentioned buying a vintage cobalt blue sake decanter.  For a few days I have been seeing a couple of red spots in our thicket at the border of our backyard.  I found this beautiful blue decanter at a jewelry store of all places.  They had a few rummage type items out front for sale.

About the little vine I placed in the "vase" before I made the photo.  I found out the vine is known as hummingbird vine and also referred to as "rampant" and "invasive". Also, would you believe "cow itch vine?" We don't have very much of it since I saw only two blooms of it.

The main thing was I got in some photography practice and learned something new today about a plant.  I also remembered to lower my ISO on my camera since I am only using the manual feature.   I could have had the bloom a little lighter in the photo.  It is hard sometimes to be positive in today's world. "This happy face I'm wearing, the world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away!" Striving to be positive, today I made an attempt and learned a little along the way.


1 comment:

Carol Blackburn said...

That's lovely Cindy. You made me laugh with it's also called rampant and invasive.......LOL.
Enjoy your day.