Photo from traditionalmealsweusedtohaveblog.wordpress.co
Confession time: When we bought this four and a half year old house last year,
the oven was very dirty. We overlooked this of course but I could not imagine
a house on the market having a dirty oven. I mean, our house
on the market. It was constant work having the house perfect for the showings.
I was so exhausted from our house being
on the market for over ten months and over 150 showings!
I am not kidding, I have written before about the large number of showings we had.
That large number resulted in a verrry tired wife and husband. The first week we
moved in our Tennessee home, I bought some oven cleaner.
Fast forward another year. What
I'm getting at is I don't believe the previous home owners had
ever cleaned this oven. I cleaned the oven this morning.
I think it is the first and only time it has ever been cleaned. I am
almost ashamed to admit it has
been that long. We will enjoy
our "new" pristine oven and stove.
(Yes, it has the self-cleaning option using the intense heat
and locking the door. I have never been a fan of this method.)
This image was me a few months ago when we had
a fire in our toaster oven. I had to use a fire extinguisher.
We have since learned of the fire hazard known as
a toaster oven. |
While looking for blog images, I ran across some doozies!
Cuter? I must be downright beautiful by now!
*snicker* *snicker* |
This one is truly hilarious! |
*Domestic Goddess