Step into my parlor (if you dare) and please have a seat ... |
You say it was a short visit? Maybe you won't be
in such a hurry next time.
This spectacle, captured a few miles from our house, is down right spooky to me. I can't help but think it is reminiscent of a giant prehistoric tarantula. Fear of spiders, anyone? |
This scene behind our house is revealing the starkness of winter can't be far behind. |
Recently I came into possession of some of my aunt's vintage Halloween decorations. This Party Lite black ceramic cat is from the 1960s. Clint has become fond of this cat. |
A funky looking black cat that I also inherited from my aunt. She had a real cat named Misty so I can understand how she collected cats, especially black cats. |
A more modern piece I got not long ago that belonged to my aunt. I mixed up the candles because I had only two tea light candles but it ended up being okay after all. |
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I had fun with my latest profile picture on Facebook. I adore this photo of Margaret Hamilton. |
This morning Clint and I were eating breakfast and he said to me, "Would you look up on the mantel at that cat." I laughed when I saw what he was seeing. Yesterday when I was making a photo of the silhouette Halloween decoration, I slid
over the white horse and the black cat behind
it, not even thinking how funny it appeared.
We both had a laugh at the following scene on our mantel: