Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Frozen Bubbles

It seems like such a simple and fun project.  Making frozen bubbles.  It was not simple at all.  I experimented with soap, corn syrup and water.  One of the biggest problems was the wind.  Clint was reminding me he could not control the wind (really, Clint?) when I asked him to turn a little to the left while blowing. Before long Clint said he could not remember having so much fun. At this point we both were laughing. Oh yes, one has to remember it was only 9 degrees outside. 
                                                                                                                                                                  I could only imagine a conversation from one of our neighbors:   Mom, what are those two old people doing over there on that deck?

Chirpee was very happy when the bubble making fun ended,
we were disturbing him from our deck.

Friday, January 3, 2014

A Few Holiday Memories

A few nights ago I took a stroll down our lane and made
a few photos of  Christmas lights.

On our way to church on December 15, 2013.  Yes,
it was very early.

We actually enjoyed eating breakfast
at Shoney's on New Year's Day.

It was 18 degrees this morning in Knoxville, TN.

Oops!   A strobe effect.  Oh well, I
am learning to use my new camera.

Clint was up in the wee hours Christmas morning
reading a special book gift from his 91 year old mother!
