Monday, December 12, 2016

Teeny Faces

Recently I discovered I had collected little figures and had not even realized it.  These little friends were discovered in a corner of  my leaded-glass-front cabinet.  Yes, some of them are little Christmas figures.  

Yesterday I was arranging them a bit for making a photograph.  Got a little practice in regarding metering and trying to hold the camera very still.  I was lazy and did not use a tripod.  (We all think we are all masters at holding the camera very very still.  :-)

While I was placing them in different angles, I found myself thinking of Laura in "The Glass Menagerie", Tennessee Williams's famous play.  I remember seeing the movie as a child, I would love to see it now at my "advanced age", it would have so much more meaning for me.

There are no unicorns in this bunch so there will be no breaking off of any horns.

The most important reason I am doing a post is I have been away from my blog since July.  A shame, I know.  I am here to tell you, it took me hours to "recover" this blog.  It was very difficult to get back to my dashboard.  I was also surprised with a different format.  I think I will stick with it and start blogging more.  Just me rambling on about this and that and really just for me.

Thanks to anyone reading this!


Monday, July 4, 2016

Guitar Lessons

At least I am now able to practice one of my all time
favorite songs.  Please Come to Boston.

A year ago, actually it was July the 5th, Clint and I went shopping for a tripod for my camera. After we left Best Buy, we stopped by Guitar Center on Kingston Pike, Knoxville, Tennessee.  Clint has played guitar since his college days, self taught I might add.  I always enjoy going in to the Guitar Center and admiring all the guitars.  I jokingly remarked to Clint, if I ever played guitar, I would want "that guitar right there", pointing to a beautiful black lacquered electric guitar.  Of course I was kidding, or so I thought.

Later that day I remarked I had seen some good looking (to me) used guitars and blurted out someday I might like to learn to play the guitar.  Clint said I did not need to purchase a guitar, I would just learn on his Ovation.  I did start my lessons from Clint and have learned a lot.  Practice, practice and more practice are in order.  I admit I have taken a three month break from practicing but plan to get back to it.  I had not realized when I started this post that tomorrow is the anniversary of beginning this wonderful journey.  This afternoon I plan on practicing chords.  Whew!  That darn C chord was something else!

A long way from making a YouTube, I am still amazed that I have come this far.  Thank you Clint for your patience and helping me so much.

(It has been months since I have posting anything on my blog,  I am hoping this publishes without any problems.  I need to get back to my blog.  Thanks to anyone reading  this far.)
