Tales 'round the old campfire ... well, in this case the candle light. Last week
I lit this candle in the living room and we loved the shadows ... they seemed to be dancing
from a very flickering candle. Clint sat across from me and told me some tall tales. ☺ |
The day after Christmas, Clint and I attended the "Windows to Heaven:
Treasures From the Russian Icons" exhibit at the McClung Museum
in Knoxville, Tennessee. The University was closed that day,
no problem with parking! I was captivated by the history and
style of these paintings! |
The masked one has returned, we are growing fond of
our little cardinals. |
Some fun loving people in the museum parking lot at the McClung. The guy and his wife were shoving
and pushing the man inside from the back and laughing as we walked by. They saw my camera dangling
from my wrist and
made a joke about a picture. I took this picture and warned them it might
appear in a blog! :-) |
Last week we visited the oldest city in Tennessee, Jonesborough.
It was a perfect cool and sunny day. |
We visited the Andrew Johnson museum and tailor house in
Greeneville. My grandmother enjoyed telling the story of how
we were related to Andrew Johnson. Clint reminds me that
he was the first president to be impeached. ha! |
A window display on the streets of Jonesborough, Tennessee. |
Jewelry worn by Mrs. Andrew Johnson on April 15, 1865, at the inauguration of her husband
Andrew Johnson. Johnson was inaugurated after the assassination of President
Abraham Lincoln. |
Scenes like like make me so happy I am back home! |
A picture made from the car, love this expanse of sky! |
Beautiful contrast between the white church and the blue sky. This
church is in Jonesborough, Tennessee. |
No relation to Peter Pan or J.R.'s mom. :-)
Jonesborough, Tennessee |
Beautiful old architecture in Jonesborough, Tennessee. |
Snow was falling from underneath the dark clouds. |
Last week we had some light snow fall. The snow had fallen
on top of our patio table. |
Precious little bird tracks on our deck ... |
It has been a long time since we have had quiche and it makes
a perfect supper as it did Sunday. This is the Southern
Living recipe for ham and bacon quiche. A good way to use
up a little ham. |
The following pictures may seem out of place here. I had scanned them and had wanted to post them before Christmas but never got around to it. Since my blog is also part family scrapbook, I am going to include them in this post.
My sister Patti and me, Christmas Eve 1963. I am sorry to say I can't
recall my step-mother's little dog's name. |
Christmas Eve, 1963, I still have the ruby ring that was in the box I am holding. |
My brother Jimmy, Christmas 1961, at my grandparents'
house next door. He passed away last June 2011. |
An excited Cindy and Patti, Christmas Eve 1960.
How do you like that decoration job on that tree! ☺ |
We all appear a little somber and sad in this picture. This must have been around the
time of the ♫ D-i-v-o-r-c-e ♫. |

My brother, Jimmy (Jimbo to us) and Lucinda, my daughter.
Christmas, 1977 |
Another Christmas has passed ...time to put away all the decorations.
I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year."
~ Charles Dickens (1812-1870), English author. From 'A Christmas Carol'.
♥ |
Great shots of our wonderful trips, our Christmas this year and of your Christmases past. My, the memories...how they linger.
Remember what a nice trip that was to Greeneville and Jonesborough? Part of the reason for that was the fact that it was spur-of-the-moment. There is another trip like that in your immediate future. You will indeed be able to share that trip with your followers next week.
Well, my emotions are all over the place, dear Cindy. I'll start at the beginning. I love to sit and chat by flickering candlelight. Dancing shadows work their magic and all seems right with the world. Clint told you tall tales? Did he try to convince you that he was once an astronaut AND a spy with the C.I.A.? (LOL) While we're on the subject of Clint I hope he didn't get too friendly with that window display doll or the statue of Andrew Johnson! (LOL)
I wish I could have toured that museum with you guys because I love paintings like the one you posted. That church facade is magnificent against the blue sky and puffy white clouds. It looks very much like a church here in Central Florida that I once captured on video for use in a promotional program advertising our new television station.
I love how you challenged the reader with your Mary Martin - Peter Pan - J.R. references. I got the connection immediately, dear friend. You can't stump old Shady. I grew up watching Mary Martin playing Peter Pan on television and I've known that she was Larry Hagman's mother ever since I Dream of Jeannie. Remember when Dallas was the hottest thing on television? (You can dream away about Patrick Duffy... I'll dream about Victoria Principal.)
I'm astounded. You actually took a road trip and didn't get caught in a monsoon?
Remember the 1982 book Real Men Don't Eat Quiche? (LOL) I'm sure that didn't stop Clint because it looks delicious!
Dear friend, I love seeing pictures of you at any age. I got teary eyed when I looked at your girlhood pictures. You were a lovely girl and you grew into an intelligent, funny and deeply caring woman and the greatest friend there could ever be. Those eyes of yours, Cindy! Those early pictures reveal the same hypnotic gaze that I see in your header image every time I log on to your site. I also want you to know that I share the pain that you must still be feeling over the loss of your brother.
I intend to keep the spirit of Christmas in my heart all year 'round. I know that you will do the same, dear friend.
Wonderful post, Cindy. Love taking walks down memory lane with you, always so interesting. Have you remembered the little dog's name yet? I know how those things can come back hours later. :)
Aw Cindy, I just loved seeing photos of you as a young girl and your family! I love the photos of my family at Christmas, I think it's a great excuse to take family photos. You looked so happy with your pile of pressies! Thanks for sharing these with us!
Emma x
Your blog is always such an opulent palace of pictures, memories, and family. The mood you set with that first picture had me really wanting to hear Clint tell a tall tale!
The pictures, as always, are gorgeous. The white church against the blue sky is especially exquisite.
Thank you for generously sharing your talents with us!
Beautiful post an pictures, thanks for sharing, it was very interesting. I love those memories too...every day has a special story in the own life.
Take care and greetings to you and Clint
Beautiful shots Cindy! Nice work!
Still having blogger trouble but can access comments by phone which means I am slowly peckin' this out. It has been so frustrating to not be able to sit down and respond to these caring and touching comments on my blog. Sitting down at my computer at home to respond. Some of you I was able to email and respond. Next time get on I will respond to Tom's comment. We are on the road as i am typing this...back to you a little later...
It makes me sad to know that the gremlins have struck your site again, dear Cindy. Here's my email address:
Loved as always your photography...sounds as though you and Clint had a wonderful time...
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